How to Choose the Right Piercing Jewelry Size for Every Body Part

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Мы Сенсагем, профессиональный производитель, специализирующийся на украшениях для пирсинга, расположен в шумном городе Дунгуань, Провинция Гуандун, Китай. С многолетним опытом работы в ювелирной индустрии пирсинга, мы отточили свое мастерство, чтобы поставлять продукцию премиум-качества клиентам по всему миру..



Choosing the right size for piercing jewelry is an essential step for both comfort and healing. Beginners might think that all piercing jewelry is one-size-fits-all, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Each piercing location has unique requirements, and selecting the wrong size can lead to discomfort, prolonged healing, or even infections.

This comprehensive guide will help beginners understand the key aspects of piercing jewelry sizing—diameter, length, and gauge—and how these factors impact the overall piercing experience. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or running a piercing studio, this article is designed to ensure you make informed decisions.

Understanding Piercing Jewelry Specifications

Before diving into specific recommendations for each piercing location, let’s first understand the key measurements that determine jewelry size:

  • Diameter: The diameter refers to the inner width of circular jewelry, such as hoops or rings. It is typically measured in millimeters (mm).
    • Common diameters: 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, or 12mm.
    • Significance: The right diameter ensures the jewelry doesn’t pinch the skin or cause excessive movement, which can slow healing.
  • Length: The length applies to straight or curved jewelry, such as barbells or studs, and refers to the distance between the two ends of the jewelry.
    • Common lengths: 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, or longer.
    • Significance: A well-fitted length ensures the jewelry sits comfortably without digging into the skin or sticking out awkwardly.
  • Gauge: Gauge refers to the thickness of the jewelry. Unlike diameter and length, gauge measurements follow a unique system: the smaller the gauge number, the thicker the jewelry.
    • Common gauges: 20Г (0.8mm), 18Г (1mm), 16Г (1.2mm), 14Г (1.6mm).
    • Significance: A proper gauge helps maintain the integrity of the piercing hole and minimizes irritation.
different guage /size piercing jewelry

Piercing Jewelry Size Guide for Specific Body Parts

Now that you understand the basic specifications, let’s discuss common piercing locations and their ideal jewelry sizes:

1. Ear Piercings

  • Lobe Piercing: Gauge: 20Г или 18Г, Length: 6mm to 10mm for studs, Diameter: 8mm to 10mm for hoops.
  • спиральный пирсинг: Gauge: 16Г или 18Г, Diameter: 6mm to 10mm.
  • Tragus Piercing: Gauge: 16Г, Length: 6mm to 8mm.

2. Facial Piercings

  • Nostril Piercing: Gauge: 20Г или 18Г, Length: 6mm to 8mm for studs, Diameter: 6mm to 10mm for hoops.
  • Septum Piercing: Gauge: 16G or 14G, Diameter: 8mm to 12mm.
  • Eyebrow Piercing: Gauge: 16Г, Length: 8mm to 12mm.

3. Oral Piercings

  • Tongue Piercing: Gauge: 14Г, Length: 16mm to 18mm.
  • Labret Piercing: Gauge: 16G or 14G, Length: 8mm to 12mm.


Choosing the correct size for piercing jewelry is crucial for comfort, healing, and long-term satisfaction. From understanding gauge to selecting the right diameter and length for each piercing type, sizing decisions play a pivotal role in ensuring a safe and enjoyable piercing experience.

For beginners or professionals looking for high-quality piercing jewelry in the perfect size, Sensagem is your go-to supplier.

Ready to find the perfect piercing jewelry size for your needs? Visit ощущение or email us at [email protected] for expert advice and top-quality products.

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